Ratika Seth - Emerging Life Coach of the Year - 2021

New Delhi, India

Ratika Seth is an accredited Law of Attraction expert, NLP Practitioner, Angel Expert, Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach. Her company Gratitude Concepts aims at transforming lives through coaching. Being an NLP practitioner, her talks and coaching aimed at helping people identify their personal strengths and areas for development. She also has her talks on topics related to raising self-esteem, confidence building, and social interaction to coach high school/college students on honing their communication skills. Being from a marketing background for over 2 decades, (She also heads the Celebrating Vivaha exhibitions across India), Ratika has her own experiences to share while coaching students.

It is her mission to help people overcome their limiting beliefs and fears and elevate themselves to a highly energized positive frequency that will enable them to achieve their goals and realize their true potential. Being a certified law of attraction coach, she handholds people and takes them on a step-by-step journey of understanding their own powers and potential, helping them become the best positive versions of themselves.


As a life coach, she helps people with their relationship, financial, career, and self-related breakthroughs through their own self-analysis with her specialized tools and techniques. 

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