Anjali Singh, Most Admired Marketing Professional of the Year 2022

Mumbai, India

I am Anjali Singh Rajput and I’m proud to be an important part of the upcoming and developing economic and infrastructure industry of our nation - India. 
At a very young I understood that even though this world and our society speak and converse in 100s of different languages it only truly understand one and that is hard work.     
At the age of 15, I started working with my father and learned the tough lessons of what it’s like to be a woman in a world supposedly run by men. I made up my mind to work harder than any man and achieve all my dreams and aspiration on my own account. 
I’ve been in this industry for the past 7 years now, and I am proud to say that I’ve successfully taken a step closer to my goal. 
I’m fortunate to be a part of a company and team like Amma Engineering Pvt Ltd. 
Throughout my career of 20 long years, I’ve taken very different positions in the market, as an entrepreneur working on my startup, as a distributor trying to build someone else’s name, and as a supplier working hard overtime to fulfill someone’s demand. All these experiences have given me important insight about a very important question that I always asked myself ‘who am I’ what do I want to achieve and where is this life taking me, I never found the true answer but every experience helped me get a little closer to finding that answer. Then I chose to become a business development head which made me realize that no experience ever goes to waste and even though how small we might feel the experience is it always adds up in the end and teaches us very important lessons in our life. 
I’ve failed a lot of times, I’ve also succeeded a lot of times, I’ve fallen and I got up again but I never stopped working towards my dreams.  

After working in several different industries, I am always asked this question what is your goal and I tell them a story -
At 20 I was asked by my mentor - ‘who is your hero?’ 
And I said it’s ‘me’ 10 years from now
10 years later the same person comes up to me and asks you’re 30 now ‘are you your hero?’ 
And I said not even close, it’s me 10 years from now 
At 40 he again comes up to me and asks me ‘how about now?’ 
And I said not at all maybe a bit closer but still, not there You see every time my hero is 10 years away from me, I’m never gonna be my hero, but you know what? It helps me keep going, it gives me something to chase after.  So I am just any other woman in this world trying to be my own hero, and today this award has pushed me a bit closer to me being my own hero.

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